Load or Delete Saved Custom Placeholder Definitions

Applies To: eCapture QC

User-defined placeholders can be applied to any document. By default, replacing images with a placeholder returns a generic “Document Placeholder” label for the image. By defining custom placeholders, specific text can be used instead of the generic label. For more information on creating custom placeholder definitions in eCapture QC, see Create User-Defined Placeholders.

After you create custom placeholder definitions, you can load the previously saved custom placeholder definitions in eCapture QC. You can also delete custom placeholder definitions.

Load a Custom Placeholder Definition

Existing definitions can be loaded into the Custom Placeholder Configuration dialog.

  1. On the QC menu bar, click Tools > User-defined Placeholders.

    The Client List dialog appears.

  2. Select a Client and click OK. The Custom Placeholder Configuration dialog appears.

  3. Click to open the Load Stored Placeholder dialog.
  4. If necessary, change the settings for the custom placeholder definition and click Save. Enter a new Description for the Placeholder and click OK. The modified custom placeholder is saved to the list of custom placeholders as a new custom placeholder.
  5. When finished, click OK. The Success dialog appears indicating the ID number for the saved Placeholder. The Custom Placeholder Configuration dialog closes.

Delete a Custom Placeholder Definition

  1. On the QC menu bar, click Tools > User-defined Placeholders.

    The Client List dialog appears.

  2. Select a Client and click OK. The Custom Placeholder Configuration dialog appears.

  3. Click to open the Load Stored Placeholder dialog.
  4. Select a custom placeholder and click . The Confirm Deletion dialog appears.
  5. Click Yes to delete the placeholder.


Related Topics

Create User-Defined Placeholders